Buddhism & 12 Steps with Kevin Griffin & Stephanie Tate

Buddhism & 12 Steps with Kevin Griffin & Stephanie Tate

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 9am to 4:30pm

The Buddha said craving is the cause of suffering. Twelve Step programs work with the deepest forms of craving. How can these two traditions come together to deepen our spiritual life?  Through a combination of traditional and contemporary Buddhist meditation practices, interactive exercises, lecture, and discussion, the day will explore the ways that Buddhism and the Steps complement each other.

The day is open to all those interested. You need not be in a Twelve Step program, nor have a background in Buddhist meditation. The day will include introductory meditation instructions. Beginners are welcome!  

Kevin Griffin is the author of One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps and Burning Desire:  Dharma God and the Path of Recovery. A longtime Buddhist practitioner and 12 Step participant, he is a leader in the mindful recovery movement and one of the founders of the Buddhist Recovery Network.  Kevin teaches internationally in Buddhist centers, treatment centers, professional conferences, and academic settings. His website is www.kevingriffin.net

Stephanie Tate is the guiding teacher for San Jose Dharma Punx, which includes a weekly Dharma and Recovery Group.  She has been empowered to teach by Noah Levine.  Stephanie also trained as an MBSR teacher under Bob Stahl P.h.D. In addition to Dharma Punx, Stephanie teaches mindfulness to incarcerated youth through the MBA Project, as well as in medical and corporate settings. She is currently pursuing her Buddhist Chaplaincy through the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies and is a volunteer Chaplain at O’Connor Hospital.