Special and Yearlong Programs

Special and Yearlong Programs

There is no cost for classes, special events, or daylong retreats at IMC. Donations are welcome.

Most of these events require an application or pre-registration to receive the Zoom links (or location for off-site events) and materials.

Please see the IMC Calendar for special events, daylong retreats, and all other events at IMC.

Black Practitioners Meditation and Wisdom Circle with Anne Roise

Five Saturdays, October 12 to November 9, 2024
Facilitator: Anne Roise
on Zoom

This five-session series provides a safe and supportive space for Black practitioners to begin, refresh and strengthen their meditation and daily mindfulness practice. The sessions focus on the intersection of mindfulness and Black collective wisdom in the context of our unique experiences and expressions. In this series, we will explore the qualities needed to be resilient in order to face social and racial injustices while on this spiritual path. The group’s time together will include guided meditation, a talk, and opportunities to share and connect with each other.

To register and receive the Zoom link for the program, click here

Anne Roise has been a Zen practitioner since 1971 when she left Canada as a teenager to study with her first teacher, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. She is lay-ordained in the Soto Zen tradition. Anne completed the Buddhist Chaplaincy program at the Sati Center and is also a trained mindfulness facilitator through the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center. She is the Director of Programs and Online Operations at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and serves on the boards of Mindful Schools and the San Francisco Zen Center. Anne has a graduate degree in City Planning from MIT and is a Certified Life Coach.

2024 – 2025 Eightfold Path Program (In-Person and Zoom)

**Registration now open, see link after description**

Taught by  Tanya Wiser, Liz Powell, Chris Clifford, and others

One Sunday a month 1:00 to 3:30 pm with a concluding Saturday daylong in June, 2025

The Buddha’s most explicit path of practice is the Eightfold Path—a set of eight practical approaches to bring Buddhist practice into the width and depth of our lives. The Eightfold Path Program is an introduction to each of the Eightfold factors so participants will discover how to apply each set of practices in ways that are personally meaningful.

Pre-requisite: completion of IMC’s Introduction to Meditation course or the equivalent.

There is an option to apply for individual or possibly small group mentoring, meaning additional monthly hour-long meetings with a senior practitioner to discuss your work with each factor.   The application below covers both mentored and non-mentored options.

The in-person and online versions will be separate but will occur in parallel at the same time. Participants may attend either version any time, although we encourage you to pick one as primary to build community. After registering, you will receive Zoom links and course materials by email.

Registration required:  application form


Sundays 1:00 pm to 3:30 p.m. (Pacific); Sept 29, Oct. 13, Nov. 10, Dec.8, Jan 12, Feb 9, Mar 9, Apr 13, May 4 (Note: was orig. May 11)
Concluding daylong: Saturday June 14 9:30-3:00pm (Pacific)  (most likely on Zoom only for all participants in the program)
Questions: eightfoldpath@insightmeditationcenter.org

Below are 2023-24 programs now closed for registration

Full Simplicity

Offered by: Kim Allen
On Zoom with two supplemental meetings in-person at IMC

Registration closed June 25.

MAIN PROGRAM: Tuesdays: June 25, July 9, July 23, Aug 6, 2024 — 6:00 – 8:00 pm Pacific time — on Zoom
SUPPLEMENTAL SESSIONS: Sundays: June 30 & July 28, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
There are also two supplemental in-person sessions at IMC Redwood City for those able to come in person. These are not an official part of the program, but provide an opportunity for local participants to connect.

Life as a layperson committed to the Dharma involves harmonizing the activities of work, family, practice, and community. What is the role in our lay life for the simplicity and contemplation that the Buddha encourages in the suttas? If we wish to live in this way, it does mean choosing to slow down and perhaps let go of some activities. Far from bringing a feeling of lack or depletion, skillful simplification (renunciation) creates space for wisdom, care, intuition, and a wholesome sense of fullness to arise.

Full Simplicity is a 6-week program with Kim Allen, author of Full Simplicity: The Art of Renunciation and Letting Go. Based on the book, this experiential program gives the opportunity to explore and deepen simplicity in one’s life. Participants are expected to engage in specific practices of letting go during this time, as well as readings, reflection, and certain meditation practices.

The program includes the following elements:

  • Based on the book “Full Simplicity: The Art of Renunciation and Letting Go,” by Kim Allen. Must purchase the book (print or electronic) in advance of the program.
  • Four Tuesday meetings online, 6:00-8:00pm Pacific, Jun 25-Aug 6*. These span three 2-week segments. Must attend at least 3 of the 4, and full attendance is strongly recommended.
  • Daily-life practices of letting go during each of the three segments
  • Supportive meditations for each segment
  • Readings from the book for each segment
  • The group meetings include meditation, teachings, Q&A, and small-group discussion

Path of Fearlessness with Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser

Saturdays 12:30pm – 3:30pm (Pacific time)
Jan 27, Feb 24, Apr 13, May 25, Jun 29 and Aug 10, 2024

On Zoom
Offered by:
Diana Clark and Tanya Wiser

In order to find real freedom it is important to practice right in the middle of our lives, including those areas that are unresolved, frightening, or painful. Often enough, it is easy for us to hear and practice Dharma teachings without knowing how to apply these to the deepest personal, emotional, psychological, or interpersonal aspects of our life. Sometimes this is avoided because of fear. In the Path of Fearlessness program we will study the Dharma through studying ourselves. Its aim is to support you in having greater self-understanding and greater fearlessness in all aspects of your life.

The format of the online (Zoom) program includes monthly meetings that will include dharmettes, guided meditations and group discussions. Importantly, the program also includes reading, writing and reflection assignments that are completed between the monthly meetings. In addition, between the monthly meetings there will be optional small group meetings to further discuss and explore the topics.

Course participants are expected to be familiar with the foundational teachings and practices of Theravada Buddhism and not be complete beginners. This expectation is most often met by (1) completion of IMC’s  9-month Eightfold Path program and/or study of Gil Fronsdal’s The Issue at Hand  and (2) attending at least one silent meditation retreat (online or residential) in this tradition. Please only apply to the program if you are able to commit to the best of your ability for the entire course.

You can apply here.  Applications due by Thursday, January 18, 2024.

Questions?  You can email pathoffearlessness@insightmeditationcenter.org

2023 – 2024 Entering the Stream with Gil Fronsdal

Six Daylong classes and one three-day retreat
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. about once a month

on Zoom only

This eight-month program provides experienced practitioners an opportunity to delve into some of the deeper teachings of our Buddhist tradition in a community of other committed practitioners. We will discuss core principles and insights including aspects of liberation and awakening. Includes required monthly readings and short reflective essays. This is the “wisdom program” of a three year cycle of programs for experienced practitioners focused on the three trainings of Ethics, Samadhi, and Wisdom.

Participation by selection. To apply fill out this form.

Pre-requisites: at least five years of Insight Meditation practice, five seven-day (or longer) silent Vipassana retreats, and completion of IMC’s Eightfold Path Program or its equivalent.


Daylong sessions: Monday, Oct 2; Fridays, Oct 27, Dec 8, Jan 19, Mar 29; Saturday May 4.
Three-day Zoom retreat: Wednesday-Friday, Feb 28-Mar 1