On Zoom
Offered by Tim Ream
The litany of threats to Life on Earth are well-known by all who care to see. Yet the overwhelming nature of what we face often leads to paralysis instead of action. It is hard to know where to start or what to do – and hard to believe that one person’s actions even matter. Still, the dharma teaches us that every action, word, and even thought has consequences. There is no way to separate our life energy from the suffering of the world.
This talk is a summary of Tim's recent course on "Earth Activism and Empowerment for Dharma Practitioners", which will take you through a five-step model for activism grounded in care, community, and empowerment. You’ll be given a chance to refine the issue or issues that motivate you to act, draw inspiration from those already making a difference, and hear about practical skills for transforming your concern for beings into effective action.
Tim Ream is a long-time Earth activist and Soto Zen practitioner. He received lay ordination from Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1994 and has engaged since in repeated, intensive residential practice, mostly at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center and Green Gulch Farm. Tim is an organizer, campaigner, writer, and environmental attorney. His activism ranges from direct action and civil disobedience like tree-sitting and road blockading to successful lawsuits to protect wolves and other species. He is the author of Fallen Water: A novel of Zen and Earth..
If you have any questions, please contact the Earth Care group at EarthCare.Dharma@gmail.com
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