Guided Meditation: Grounding; Our Stories (4 of 5): Letting Go
Guided Meditation: Being Embodied; Dharmette: Our Stories (1 of 5): They Change!
Guided Meditation: Under the Tree; Our Stories (3 of 5): Creating Connections
Guided meditation: Tranquility; Dharmette: Between Gravity and Grace, with Matthew Brensilver
Guided Med: Experience vsThoughtsOur Stories (2 of 5) We Use Stories to Help Make Sense of the World
Guided Med: Concentration, Clarity, Equanimity; Interpersonal Dharma (5of5)A Training in Loving Well
Guided Med: Effort as Not-Self; Interpersonal Dharma (4 of 5)Honoring the Neurosis/Pain of the Other
Guided Meditation: Relaxing into the Moment; Dharmette: Interpersonal Life (1 of 5): Introduction
GM: Breath, Pleasure, Opening; Dharmette: Interpersonal Dharma (3 of 5): Assertion and Surrender