Jan 23-26: Non-Residential Insight retreat with Ying Chen, Kim Allen, Diana Clark, and David Lorey

Jan 23-26: Non-Residential Insight retreat with Ying Chen, Kim Allen, Diana Clark, and David Lorey

Keeping It Simple:
A non-residential Insight retreat with IMC teachers Ying Chen, Kim Allen, Diana Clark, and David Lorey
Thursday – Sunday, January 23 – 26, 2025: 8:30am – 5pm

Location: Los Altos Community Center, Sequoia Room
Registration required

This retreat offers an intensive retreat experience in a non-residential retreat format. The retreat will include alternate sitting and walking meditation periods, morning instruction, work meditation, and Dharma talks. Teachings will focus on the deep simplicity available in the practice and will emphasize integrating formal and daily-life practice. Full participation (for the full day and for all four days) is required. Retreatants are requested to bring lunch each day (tea and light snacks will be available).  Like all IRC retreats, this retreat is offered on a dana-basis.  More information and registration is available here: https://www.insightretreatcenter.org/offsite-retreats/