Metta Daylong Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori — Saturday September 30

Metta Daylong Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori — Saturday September 30

Saturday, September 30, 2023:  9:30 am – 4:30 pm
In-person only at IMC

Offered by: Nikki Mirghafori

Metta or lovingkindness meditation is a foundational practice in our Buddhist tradition. It not only supports the development of insight practice, but can also be transformational in its own right. Metta is a gentle cultivation of kindness, friendliness, goodwill towards ourselves and all beings. We will spend this retreat day, which is held primarily in silence, with alternate periods of sitting and walking, supported with instructions, guided meditation, and discussion. Recommended for both beginners and experienced practitioners who wish to deepen their practice. Registration is not required. Bring lunch.

The program is offered freely with no registration needed. If you’d like to donate to the teacher or to the center, you can visit IMC’s donation page here