Daylong Teachings

Daylong Teachings


No Cost – No Registration. In general, registration is not required to participate in IMC’s offerings. Although there is no cost for any of our programs, we are grateful for donations to support our activities and teachers.

Dharma Practice Days

One Friday a month, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Starting in September or October each year, a 7- to 9-month practice program is offered. Each year the focus of practice and study is a different theme, sometimes emphasizing meditation practice and sometimes emphasizing broader aspects of Buddhist practice. Each Dharma Practice Day explores the theme of the day in different ways, generally including teachings, guided meditations and small group discussions. These days are usually quite interactive, including the lunch period, which offers a chance to get to know fellow participants.

Past series have focused on: the Ten Perfections, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, the Eightfold Path, Mindfulness of Breathing and the Five Hindrances.

Please see the calendar for dates of upcoming offerings.

Mindfulness and Wisdom Daylong Retreats

A couple of Saturdays a year.

Daylong Retreat with instruction in the style of the Burmese teacher, U Tejaniya. Teachings encourage the exploration of a relaxed open awareness with an emphasis on exploring qualities of mind, and the attitude towards one’s experience. The schedule for the retreat will alternate periods of sitting and walking with instructions and discussion. Aside from the instruction and discussion periods, the day will be primarily in silence. It is recommended for both beginners and experienced practitioners.  Taught by Andrea Fella.

Other Daylong Teachings

Taught by Guest Teachers
Usually taught on a Saturday, often 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Occasionally IMC offers daylong teachings taught by guest teachers. These often include instruction, meditation and small group discussion. Past offerings have included Embodying Compassion, Working with the Hindrances and Buddhism and Recovery.

Please see the calendar for dates of upcoming offerings