Earth Care Meeting: A Biologist’s Take on Climate Change and CO2 Removal with Barry Rothman — Saturday February 24

Earth Care Meeting: A Biologist’s Take on Climate Change and CO2 Removal with Barry Rothman — Saturday February 24

Saturday, February 24, 2024
8:30 am – 10:00 am

On Zoom

In his talk, A Biologist’s Take on Climate Change and CO2 Removal, Barry will discuss carbon chemistry as it pertains to life and climate, and then review the methods presently available for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One of his abiding interests is to make scientific information easily accessible to non-scientists.

Barry Rothman earned his PhD in Biochemistry and Neuroscience from Cal Tech and performed post-doctoral research at the University of Texas Medical Branch and at UC San Francisco. He was a Biology professor at San Francisco State University, where over a period of 29 years he ran a research lab, taught at all levels of the curriculum, and created and ran a program that helped disadvantaged and minority students gain entry to medical schools. Since semi-retirement, he has focused on yoga, meditation, continuing his interests in language and culture, and mentoring students who were previously incarcerated.

Hosted by: IMC Earth Care Group
If you have any questions, please contact the Earth Care group at

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