With Bruni Dávila & Liz Powell
Five Tuesday Afternoons
August 2 to 30, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Insight Meditation or Vipassana, is a simple technique, beginning with focusing the attention on the breath. The practice concentrates and calms the mind. At the heart of Insight Meditation is the practice of Mindfulness, a practice of moment tomoment observation which cultivates a clear, stable and non-judgmental awareness. While mindfulness practice can be highly effective in helping bring calm and clarity to the pressures of daily life, it is also a spiritual path that gradually dissolves the barriers to the full development of our wisdom and compassion. During this introductory course, the basic instructions in insight meditation will be given sequentially, starting with a focus on mindfulness of breathing, followed by mindfulness of the body, of emotions, of thoughts, of mind and of the application of mindfulness in daily life and on retreats. No preregistration necessary.
Liz Powell is IMC Dharma Sprouts and Dharma Rocks family programs leader. She has been practicing Vipassana meditation since 2004. She emphasizes mindfulness in daily life in her work as a Marriage Family Therapist, and enjoys retreat practice as well. Since 1996, Liz has worked with children, teens, and adults, first as a court-appointed special advocate for children, then as Director of Youth and Family Services for Kara, a non-profit peer support agency providing services for people and organizations dealing with a terminal illness or death. She currently serves as an IMC board member.
Bruni Dávila has practiced Vipassana, and Zen (in various traditions) since 1995 and at IMC since 2006, with Gil Fronsdal as her primary teacher. She is a graduate from the Sati Center Buddhist Chaplaincy Training and the IMC Dharma Mentoring Program. In her livelihood, she manages environmental projects.
No cost – Donations Welcome – No Registration Required
Insight Meditation Center – 108 Birch Street, Redwood City – 650-599-3456
Website: insightmeditationcenter.org E-mail: contact@insightmeditationcenter.org